Waterproofing Problem Solving.
Following the philosophy of collection, redirection and drainage of water as the priority, we find that establishing the root cause of leaks is much more than just looking at breakdown in membranes and sealants.
We take a wholistic view of the causes of leaks.
1. As a first step we gather all original drawings of the structure where available and all relevant reports and records of water entry.
2. After gathering all available records we carry out a detailed leak audit to establish exact location and frequency of water entry a key deliverable at this point is a leak register listing this key information.
3. Once the leak register is established we develop a theory of cause of water entry for each leak incidence.
4. Using the scientific method we then carry out necessary tests to try and reproduce the leak and confirm or adjust the theory as required.
5. In many cases deconstruction of a typical element is then necessary to establish exact construction layers and to gain further data on leak paths.